Mary, Our Lady of the Pine :
The apparitions to Giuseppe Auricchia

First English Translation of Third updated edition Italian - June 2022
The First Edition Italian in June 2013, Third updated Italian edition in November 2021

The apparitions of Mary Most Holy, Our Lady of the Pine,
in Mammanelli, Avola, Siracusa, Italy, from 1990 as 2012.
The transudation of Oil from the statue, miraculous photos,
visions and divine messages from the writings of Mr. Giuseppe Auricchia.

The author, Mr. Nino Oliva, has followed the events for years,
both in the Place of the apparitions and alongside Mr. Auricchia himself.
This book is the answer to his request during an apparition,
but it is also the last topic discussed between us,
before his birth to Heaven on May 2, 2012; he had in his hands
the draft of the first edition, already in December 2011.

The book is printed in color and contains 362 pages

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